1 half-moon steel – great for BBQs and fitting Kamado Joe Jr ceramic BBQ

These 6mm thick half moon steels measure 26cm on the straight edge and provide fantastic flexibility and versatility when grilling on the Kamado Joe Junior ceramic grill. Apart from being indestructible (unlike the stones and deflectors sold for these grills), they allow you to use half of your grill over direct heat and rack while making smash burgers on the other – magic!

For shipping to destinations other than mainland UK, please get in touch for a quote.

Please note that I am currently not having the steels engraved with the Wild Baker logo – the price of steel has risen dramatically in the last year due to general materials shortages and now the war in Ukraine, a major steel exporting country. While I am not passing this increased cost on to my customers; I am trying to keep costs down in order to be able to supply the same quality steel as I always have.

Weight 2.9 kg
Dimensions 30 × 20 × 8 cm


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