Sourdough Starters

Choose from any of our sourdough starters below…

I usually send out all my starters in dehydrated form as the mail tends to take longer these days and so that they can be stored easily without you needing to do anything to them until you are ready – full instructions on how to rehydrate the starters  are of course included. It is very easy and only takes a couple of days or so to reactivate the starter. In the meantime it will be happy to stay in its zip bag and doesn’t even need to be refrigerated.

Full instructions and 2 recipes are included with each starter (one of which is a “no knead” recipe and the other a recipe requiring you to stretch and for the dough to achieve a lighter crumb with bigger holes).

Please do let me me if you would prefer your starter in “wet”, i.e. dough format.

San Francisco Organic Sourdough Starter
This is the famous San Francisco strain, well known for its sour, tangy taste. It is very active and ferments relatively quickly (compared to the Oxford strain). I find that I use this wild yeast starter when I want to be able to prepare and bake a loaf in one day – i.e. a 12 hour window from taking it out of the fridge to baking the loaf.

This starter has been fed with organic wholemeal flour but you can use any flour you wish to maintain it.

Oxfordshire Organic Sourdough Starter
This is a lovely, mild wild yeast starter. It is ideal if you prefer milder tasting sourdoughs. This starter allows you to be very flexible with your timings. You can leave the dough to ferment for long periods, for example overnight, or all day while you are out – without the resulting bread being very sour.

This starter has been fed with organic wholemeal flour but you can use any flour you wish to maintain it.

Khorasan Kamut Organic Wild Yeast Sourdough
Wonderful starter made with Khorasan Kamut flour.

German Westphalia Organic Sourdough Starter
Genuine wild yeast sourdough starter from Westphalia in Germany. This sourdough starter was born in the small village of Fuerstenau in North-Rhine Westphalia – the home of sourdough bread, the heart of the German countryside and Hansel and Gretel/Brothers Grimm country. This is where it all started.

Organic Rye Sourdough Starter
This incredibly active, wild yeast starter was made with organic rye flour and has been fed with only rye flour ever since although you can use any flour you wish to maintain it.

Egyptian Sourdough Starter
I started this wild yeast sourdough in Soma Bay in Egypt in 2015, using locally grown and milled flour. It is lovely and mild and will be very similar in taste to the sourdough breads baked by the bakers who were feeding the workers who build the pyramids in 2,500BC! After bringing it back from Egypt, this starter has been fed with organic wholemeal flour but you can use any flour you wish to maintain it.

Dorset Organic Sourdough Starter
This lovely mild, wild yeast starter was started by a bakery in Dorset 15 years ago. It has been fed and baked with daily ever since. This starter has been fed with organic wholemeal flour but you can use any flour you wish to maintain it.

Weight 0.01 kg

San Francisco Organic Sourdough Starter, Oxfordshire Organic Sourdough Starter, Khorasan Kamut Wild Yeast Sourdough, German Westphalia Organic Sourdough Starter, Rye Sourdough Starter, Egyptian Sourdough Starter, Dorset Organic Sourdough Starter


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